Our Commitment

Quality Policy

TIS’ major focus is its dedication to its quality policy that will ensure all products and services achieve a high level of customer satisfaction at all times.

This policy will ensure that the services provided will meet the agreed requirements of our stakeholders and ensure that our services fully comply with defined standards of content  and are fit for purpose.

TIS demonstrated its commitment to quality through its management commitment to the implementation of supporting processes and documented procedures that provide the framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives.

These objectives are communicated at every level of the organisation and are continually reviewed for effectiveness. TIS therefore affirms its commitment to achieve and maintain registration as a company of assessed quality under the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 and other applicable standards deemed compliant by TIS.

Each employee of TIS will maintain these policies as it is the belief of
the Company to:

Get it right the first time, every time, and strive for continuous

Health, Safety, Security, & Environmental Policy

Technical Integrated Services Limited (TIS) is committed to this policy and shall hereby ensure that all work is carried out within the relevant legal and statutory provisions and will take reasonably practicable steps to ensure the Health and Safety of our Employees, Clients, and the General Public.

The company will commit to the annual review of all policies and procedures for providing safe systems of work, providing safe work conditions and equipment, preventing accidents and incidents, establishing arrangements for reporting incidents and accidents, properly addressing emergency situations, assuring competence and provide training for staff, providing safe handling and transportation of harmful substances, consulting with employees on HSSE management and performance, reviewing the HSSE policy every three years or when necessary, committing to the organization to comply with all relevant legislation at all times, committing the organization to prevent harm to the environment and practices that could affect the health, safety and welfare of its employees, clients or general public that can be affected by the Company’s processes, and will ensure that all reasonably practical improvements are implemented and subsequently maintained.

The Board of Directors and the Management of Technical Integrated Services recognizes Occupational Health and Safety is an integral part of business performance and they are responsible for implementing this Policy and shall ensure that health and safety considerations are given priority in all Company operations. The Managers and Supervisors of Technical Integrated Services shall provide effective and competent leadership by encouraging a positive safety culture, leading by example and influencing positive health and safety attitudes within the Company. Technical Integrated Services will continually strive to ensure that our actions and activities, whether collectively or individually, never cause any personal injury or environmental damage. All accidents, minor or otherwise, have the potential to cause physical and mental suffering to those directly and indirectly involved thus the prevention of accident, injury and illness is a goal well worth achieving. They will encourage employees to identify hazards and control risks, report accidents and near misses, plan and address emergency situations, and keep themselves informed through consultation with employees on HSE management and performance.

Effectiveness of TIS Health and Safety will be monitored through regular inspections and audits of its system and processes to ensure full compliance of this Policy. It is the intent of TIS to ensure that the Company provides employment under safe working conditions and where these do not exist, ensure that all risks are mitigated by means of regular risk assessments.

TIS will ensure that its workforce is competent in the safe use, handling, transportation and maintenance of hazardous materials. Evidence of competence will be stated through the use of underpinning knowledge and applied skills in the recognition of various risks in the work environment.

This policy shall be kept up to date marking any changes in the nature of the business or changes in legislation revisions will be made as necessary. The policy statement and any revision of it shall be communicated to all employees. This Statement of Company Safety Policy shall be displayed prominently at all Company office premises and at all sites where the Company has operating responsibilities. The organization and arrangements for implementing the Policy shall also be available at Company offices and at each site for reference by any employee or client as required.

Vision and Mission Statement

Aspiring to become the leading supplier of inspection and mechanical services regionally, utilizing strategic partnerships, integrating sound business practices, competence, and cutting-edge technology to realize a return on investment for all stakeholders.

Deliver reliable and quality services through the development and maintenance of relationships, ethical practices, timely responses, trained and competent teams, state of the art equipment, prudent use of resources and sound financial and business planning.